Red Mountain Mead Hall – 2019

Lunch and Dinner for Isenfir's Red Mountain Mead Hall, an event centered around relaxing in the hall with food and camaraderie.

For the 2019 edition of Red Mountain Mead Hall, I prepared a lunch and dinner from Rumpolt‘s Ein new Kochbuch, a source with literally hundreds of recipes. The menu follows, with detailed recipes to be added at a later date:


  • Kummelweck: a wheat roll
  • Suppen 11: chickpea soup with parsley root
  • Salat: a mixed salad with hard boiled eggs and ham, based on Salats 1, 3, 23 and 40 from the Kochboch
  • Pastaten 38: “Indian hen” (turkey) pie
  • Red Beet Salad: Beets in vinaigrette, based on Salats 7 and 29 and Zugehörung 3
  • Apple Pie: similar to a tarte tatin, based on Turten 6


  • Stewed Goat: Based on Geiß 18 from the Kochboch
  • Roast Beef: marinated beef in a sauce with juniper, caraway, garlic, ginger and butter from Ochsen 44
  • Pork Pies: bite size pork pies with raisins, from Spensaw 17
  • Crab Cakes: Would be recognized by a Marylander! from Krebßen 8
  • Potage of Mushrooms: Zugemüß 138, “Lung Potage of Morels” – this dish is technically a fast-day substitution for a dish of organ meat
  • Sour Turnips: Marinated turnips mashed with butter and cream – Zugemüß 187
  • Spinach with Onions and Smoked Trout: Foren 6
  • Asparagus Salat – Poached asparagus with an early version of a butter sauce – Salat 15
  • Mustard: a spiced mustard with coriander and anise – Zugehörung 10 (part 2)
  • Millet Pudding: Zugemüß 103
  • Pears in Wine: Zugemüß 22
  • Sour Cherry Fritters: based on Gebackens 41/42


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